Sunday, November 17, 2013

Back from unintended hiatus

The location of the McStays' remains
Soon after starting this blog, I returned to grad school. It wound up being very time consuming and, unfortunately, this blog fell by the wayside. I still monitored google alerts on all the cases featured here, but I never seemed to dredge up energy to write on them.

This Friday, though, I noticed a flurry of google alerts about the McStays. I was stunned to find that they had been located. Of all the cases on here, this was one of the ones I deemed least likely to be solved. And yet here we were. This discovery has galvanized me, and I will post about recent news on the McStays and other cases featured on Disappeared.

I am currently writing up a reflection piece on the McStay case, and it should be posted soon.

My sincere condolences to the McStays' family members. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm alive this is Patti I can't find Barbara and Ray my mom and dad or Sara Rye Kenny Raymond Gregory Molly or any of my grandchildren please help I don't know where I am but I'm somewhere
