Quick Info: Status of Each Person Featured on Disappeared

* = Found after first airing of their episode


  1. Wykel used to murder harmless animals with a high powered rifle, as they struggled to raise their young and survive in a cold barren wilderness. What goes around comes around.

    1. the hunter became the hunted, so fucking what..."what goes around, truly does come around"...u don't like that fact krancher?..too bad 4 u!!!

    2. You should take some English classes. Also some anger management classes.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Stevie, why don't you get the story correct instead of telling lies? Bob Wykel is not the person who shot animals, it was Myron (Mike) Wynn. Wynn is the man who killed Bob Wykel. If you still can't admit you're wrong at least ask his sister Sherry Wynn, how he not only abused her, until she was 18, but also their father & a neighbor kid. She also addressed the animals that you blame Wykel for. Her exact words state there was a "RAMPAGE, of Missing Pet poster's" around their neighborhood, (Blakley Manor) in Burien, through out our childhood."

      So, is your "duty" to play God & judge others? At least if you are going to pretend you know anything about Bob Wykel, you should at least provide accurate facts. Before judging others, you should take a close look in the mirror & then remind yourself of things you did in your lifetime that you're ashamed of & then tell everyone on this blog.

      Nobody is perfect, but I abhor anyone who spreads falsehoods about someone who is no longer able to correct the lies.

    5. You people are just nutters. btw the series is the most boring reality crime show out there. they hardly solve anything or find people

    6. Birgitte look it up several of these missing people have been found, well many deceased, after their first episode aired , look at disappeared epilogue it shows who has been found and o stories and who was found after this "useless" show aired

    7. Birgette that is why the show is called "Disappeared". Its fun to watch because it makes you wonder (after hearing all the facts) what really happened to the missing person. It is by far my favorite show of this particular genre of TV shows.

    8. Stephanie Meyers it's 8 out of 85. Although who knows the last time the list was updated since there's no date saying when it was updated last.

    9. You are absolutely correct. Karma is a bitch.

  2. While I don't agree with hunting for sport, either, the idea that Mr. Wykel somehow deserved to be murdered because of one of his hobbies is abhorrent.

    1. U dumb piece of shit!!!...his so called "hobby" was criminal, he may have had other unsavory & criminal hobbies the police didn't even find out about, but hey! the sick fuck didn't live in your neighborhood so that's cool, right?!...I heard he also had a hobby of killing women by the name of "Callie"...LOL! lots of luck to u in life with your half brain!

    2. You telling someone they have half a brain is like the pot calling the kettle black.

    3. It's also not cool to kill helpless & defenseless animals.

    4. Both yous are ediots ... Have abut respect ass holes

    5. Holy shit Bruce, is that supposed to be English???

    6. Beammeupscotty....do u ever think before the word vomit u spew comes out??? Douchebag. Hunting doesn't make u evil or deserving to b killed by some moron who lied about having a 57 tbird . you need help man...its called xanax try some

  3. Danice day was murdered by live in boyfriend Victor braun just wanted to give you that info to add to the list

    1. That's true and he only received 6-12 years on a manslaughter charge for killing her, placing her in a barrel & submerging it in a lake.

    2. Yeh n it don't say beside her name

    3. Yeh n it don't say beside her name

    4. They stopped updating :( we should do a new one

    5. I hope they do a new one as well. I am watching that Jackie Markham disappeared episode today and was wondering was she ever found.

    6. Type in her name on Google, it'll bring up all info on her including whether or not she was found.

    7. Type in her name on Google, it'll bring up all info on her including whether or not she was found.

    8. While you're correct in he was charged, it's technically an "open case" still because he never actually confessed to killing her (although pretty sure everyone is 100% sure he did) which is why it says murder unknown because they can't really say he did.

    9. That's not true and not logic, a case is closed when a conviction is made.

    10. Maybe you guys can help. I seem to remember a case that I can't find on here anymore, I can't find anything online about it either. I doubt it if I made it up, but who knows now.
      The case was about a young man 18-20 I think from NJ or NY on a trip to MI. On the way back he went missing but he had contacted his grandma and father to say he was on his way home. I think his uncle saw the car and assumed the young man made it home. But they couldn't find him anywhere and his wallet or phone or both had been found in the streets and was mailed to his address, which his family did receive. The young man had a court date coming up but I'm not sure what the charge was. His close friend that had gone on the trip with him and was starting to look like a suspect, but then he died of a medication overdose. I think the missing young mans name was Niko or Nico and I believe his last name started with the letter L. I'm pretty sure this is too much detail to make up. I'm hoping one of you can help. Thanks

    11. I remember this case too, so you are not imagining it. If I can find out the name and details, I will post them for you.

  4. Every time I read in the victim's description "enjoyed hunting", my sympathy for the victim evaporates. I am not saying they deserved to be killed, I am just saying that the ones having no compassion, deserve no compassion. At least from me.

    1. Yeah, those who swat misquitos too. How do people forget that those are living creatures?

      People care about as much for misquitos as they do your "sympathy".

    2. U said it!...one more asshole with a gun is off the face of this earth, couple of trillion to go...

    3. Lots of illogical, unintelligent and irrational comments. Why not give someone who kills a dog with their car and doesn't report it the chair?

    4. Your mentally ill. You reason like a five year old. Keep posting though. Your irrefutable ignorance is astounding.

    5. Acually quicksmurf spelled "your" right if he's saying your irefutable ignorance is astounding "your" is the proper use of the word. When you add 're it abreviates you are "you're" so you ralu are the moron in this case.

    6. But quicksmurf does use the improper your at the beginning of the comment so he's or she is a moron too but they are a moron for many other reasons as well.

    7. Jesus Christ. Get lives people. Really this is ridiculous. Bad crap happens to everybody who has hobbies you don't agree with or doesn't it's still bad and it still doesn't make it okay and telling people how stupid they are while you have shyte grammar is too...god this planet is going to hell in a handbasket.

    8. For the ones who hate hunters. Do you eat meat from stores? You are then guilty of murder for hire. While you did not pull the trigger on these animals, you hired someone else to. And we hunt for MEAT. MEAT to feed our family. Without hinting we would go hungry. Without hunting and the fees paid by hunters, the animals you LOVE would die horrible deaths from starvation, still born babies, sickness, no way to keep the herd healthy. Their numbers would skyrocket. More animals on roadways. Animals dying horrific deaths. The fees from hunting allow the states to monitor the herds. Ensuring they are healthy. No diseases spreading. No animals being injured, or causing accidents that kill others. So please until you never eat meat of any kind, stop your idiocy.

    9. We'll said. Wild animals do not die of old age. Even top level predators, when they cannot compete with others or are injured, are killed and eaten. Death is inevitable and the animal killed by a hunter dies a much more merciful death. Those who object to hunting cannot accept killing and I understand and respect their position.

    10. We'll said. Wild animals do not die of old age. Even top level predators, when they cannot compete with others or are injured, are killed and eaten. Death is inevitable and the animal killed by a hunter dies a much more merciful death. Those who object to hunting cannot accept killing and I understand and respect their position.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bob Wykel was murdered by Myron Wynn. Wynn said he had a car for Wykel to buy and was convicted fro scamming and robbing the victim.

    1. Listen, he put himself in danger by NOT checking things out first, just like the hookers...oh, sorry, the "massage therapy women" of Craiglist who met up with the one nut who wasn't there for a massage...if it sounds too good to be true...run the other way!

  7. I assume you are a vegan Tyavzik? Because the only difference between eating meat/animal products and hunting is that you are paying someone else to slaughter animals for food versus slaughtering them yourself.

    I'm not a vegan and I don't feel bad about eating meat. It's called the food chain and it's a basic concept of Earth ecology. If animals never ate other animals, our ecosystem would collapse from overpopulation.

    I personally don't agree with hunting just to hunt (like big game, etc.)... and I believe that you should eat/use what you kill. But humans have omnivorous teeth for a reason, we evolved to eat meat.

    1. "we evolved to eat meat"...REALLY???...then why don't we have fangs like wolves?...another dumb piece of shit making dumb statements & talking out of her ass!!! Good God it never ends!

    2. Things die. You struggle for life the moment you are born. You are killer, biologically, a complex beast who was built to hunt and sustain himself from the land, and no amount of feels will erase that. Deal, and stop being such a miserable twat about it.

    3. Scotty your the dumbest person in this thread. Wolves aren't the only animals that eat meat. Are you that stupid? You sound as smart as a 5 watt light bulb.

    4. beammeupscotty, we do have "fangs like wolves"...they're called canines & we each have 2 on the top & 2 on the bottom...I'm assuming you aren't a Christian, because if you are, you'd know that God put the animals on this earth to feed, clothe & work (add in plowing fields, etc...)for man...just saying...& while I personally don't hunt-though I do eat meat-the idea that a man deserves to be robbed & murdered because he's a hunter is absurd...

    5. Our canines are simply not fangs. Our digestive system is also not setup for meat eating.

      Anybody here wag a tail with their tail bone?

    6. Erin his daughter said that he loved hunting Big Game for sport. So what he was doing wasn't for food it was for fun.

    7. Erin his daughter said that he loved hunting Big Game for sport. So what he was doing wasn't for food it was for fun.

    8. Quicksmurf, is a 100 watt bulb any smarter than a 5 watt bulb? I'm just curious.

    9. Um you do realize we have organs that used to be used for digesting raw meat...evolved to eat meat we've always ate meat we've evolved into our humanity but we were always mammals you know animals we grunted and hunted and ran around naked lmao

    10. Quicksmurf, I'm sorry to single you out but it seems the colloquialism you're trying for is "As bright as a 5 watt bulb". There are others I really enjoy that also get misused like "sharp as a tack" or "not the sharpest tool in the shed" or even "sharp as a spoon". Either way, calling someone ignorant charges one with the responsibility of making sure while doing so that they do not use mistyped/auto corrected words,misused colloquialisms or poor grammar themselves. For instance, although I am in no way insinuating that I have the slightest idea how intelligent you are or anyone is for that matter, I severely hope that I have not misspelled something or used a word out of context. Doing so, I feel, cripples any credibility. I do wish we weren't so mean to each other. This show should be a great example as to how fleeting our time truly is. Each person typing in these comments hopefully values their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Looking at my wife asleep on the couch beside me and hearing my teenage son upstairs playing his video games safe and sound makes me feel incredibly lucky. Whether we eat meat or not, worship the same God or any at all...are more or less literate than each other, I wish we could see each others as teammates. Us being on the alive and able to read and write these comments team as opposed to being on the missing or loved ones of the missing team.

  8. lol I don't know about you, but I don't have a mouth full of molars. I have teeth for tearing up meat as well as flat teeth for grinding food. Maybe you have a mouth full of molars... maybe from inbreeding? you should have that checked out.

    Erin is clearly educated. Basic biology or an ecology class would do some of you some good. I understand having compassion and not wanting to eat meat. In this day in age, it is not 100% necessary for survival as long as you are loading up on vitamins to off set possible malnourishment.

    I have to agree with you, beammeupscotty, that it was ignorance that put most of these people in harms way. People seem to lack the common sense about what they are doing.

  9. Someone please enlighten me on how this went from a list of missing people to arguing over eating meat? Then wanna say people are ignorant because they don't share your views!!! Idgaf if you eat meat.. Plants.. Bugs.. Boogers... Or whatever else ppl put in their mouths.. What I do care about is tips and info on the ppl missing on this list...

    1. Geesh!! Seriously! Are people seriously this angry and hateful?????

    2. Finally, a sane voice in the blurb assylum!!!!!!!!

  10. The Jamison family were also found deceased (pending DNA testing) in 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamison_family_disappearance

    1. The Jamison Family dna test is done. It is all three of them

    2. Here is the link to the news article confirming the remains are those of all three Jamison family members:


      According to the article, the Medical Examiner has listed the cause of death as Unknown.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I hope one day the families of the missing find out what happens to their loves ones. I can't imagine they pain they are going through by not knowing..

    1. In "no stone unturned....why don't they check applications for power in the area ....if there was a house built....there was an application for new power??

  13. Hope the family's will one day find out where there loved ones are praying!! And wow such foul mouth comments really do you have to swear?!

  14. Cant believe the Zebb Quinn case has not been solved. The facts of the case clearly point to a conspiracy of Owen, Misty, her boyfriend and the Aunt. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. Of course circumstantial evidence cant convict. They need to find the body. I have mapped out all of the key locations involved in Asheville, and identified several likely location for the body. Need to hire cadaver dog company in Asheville to check these areas. If someone wants to fund search company, I can supply areas.

    1. I fee that too. They should have put all the three suspects on lie detector test and dig in deeply to their alibis. Overall I think they did a very lousy investigation.

    2. I feel like their is more to be done in that case too. Hope the family finds him and gets their answers.

    3. I feel like their is more to be done in that case too. Hope the family finds him and gets their answers.

    4. The Owens guy was arrested for the murder of Cristie Schoen Codd, hern unborn baby and husband in March of this year. She was a contestant on a Food Network show.

    5. You can't force someone to take a polygraph test but they absolutely CAN charge and convict someone of murder with circumstantial evidence and no body, it's been done. It's not very common to do it with no body but it can and had been done.

    6. You can't force someone to take a polygraph test but they absolutely CAN charge and convict someone of murder with circumstantial evidence and no body, it's been done. It's not very common to do it with no body but it can and had been done.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. They can charge Owens for Quinns murder, with only circumstantial evidence and I'm pretty sure they would get a conviction, he have proven he is indeed cable of cold blooded murder and was the last to see Zebb and reason to kill him and had a clumsy alibi. Really a shame they won't close the case for his family

    9. Circumstantial evidence is STILL evidence. If 2 people go into a room, only one person comes out, & the other persons body is discovered inside, there is little doubt as to who did it. Everyone today wants CSI forensic evidence, & that would be great to have for every murder case, but it's not always possible. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence that points to who; now they just need to determine theories for when, where, why, & how.

  15. They will never find most of these people because of police corruption! Just like in (The Springfield Three). They had a company come in and they found out that something which looks like 3 masses are under the parking lot and the police will not allow anyone to bust up the parking lot!

  16. The Jamison Family has been identified


    1. I was about to post. They were found dead.

  17. I just got through watching the Tanya Rider case on Disappeared. I don't think they gave her husband the credit he deserved. They said she was close to death when she was found. Had her husband just ignored the 9-11 operator and police etc, she would have died before they found her. They never brought that up. I hope he was given the praise he deserved. When she sees the episode she will see what a wonderful husband she has. He never gave up.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. If you read the article about Michelle Whittaker, the article says they are still looking for her, not that she was found.

    1. If you watch the episode it says they found her and she is even on the episode talking about where she went and why.

  20. http://wtvr.com/2014/09/29/hannah-graham-morgan-harrington-connection/

    Possible clues in Morgan Harrington disappearance

    1. With the forensic link to Jesse Matthew, it's pretty much a done deal that he's guilty of it.

    2. "Prosecutors withdrew a capital murder charge against Jesse Matthew Jr. as part of a plea deal Wednesday. After Matthew pleaded guilty to the 2014 murder of Hannah Graham and the 2009 murder of Morgan Harrington, a judge sentenced him to four consecutive life sentences. Under the agreement, there’s no possibility of parole."


  21. How come in the USA your allowed to not give information. I watch Disappeared and find many could be suspects not giving evidence and hiding behind a lawyer/attorney.

    Just watched Suzy Lyall. Looks obvious to me that her boyfriend, Richard Common is very suspicious. He had her pin number to her ATM card, he had control of her computer from his own PC. Seems weird and I presume less uncommon in 1998. He could still have her chained up in his house, or even her remains somewhere in his house. Has his premises ever been searched,from the programming it looks like a no.

    1. In our Bill of Rights in the US Constitution #5 is that we have the right against self incrimination. We have the right to be silent and not incriminate ourselves, even in a criminal court.

  22. Charles "Chase" Merritt was arrested for the McStay murders. Police say he bashed their heads in with a blunt object in their own home, then buried the bodies in the desert just outside the town where he lives. I actually predicted he had something to do with it when the case first aired on Disappeared.



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with you. I feel like if it were someone other than a cop they would've filled some type of charges against him. I would not be surprised if there's others that know more, but they're covering up for their fellow officer. Whatever the truth is I hope it comes to light. These families deserve that.

    3. I agree 100% with you Kyle C.

    4. I pray justice is done and they find both young men!!!!

  24. I know there are good and bad in all professions! Don't think there is nearly many in the law enforcement. In the medical field you also have good and bad. I am a nurse and have seen. Patients beg for surgical pain relief medication and a nurse respond 2 hours later oh I forgot but, she damned sure didn't forget to eat her lunch. I think we all need to accept the law enforcement are mostly excellent people and the crooks will have their day. Nobody in public or jails like a crooked cop. His day will come! Your life and mine depend on those law enforcement officers everyday! Its best to trust especially if you or your kids go missing!

    1. You're not a nurse. Nurses must spell and communicate with complete clarity and accuracy.What is charted is a legal record of care given. You would not qualify as an aide or tech. They empty trash, make empty beds and clean rooms.

    2. You're not a nurse. Nurses must spell and communicate with complete clarity and accuracy.What is charted is a legal record of care given. You would not qualify as an aide or tech. They empty trash, make empty beds and clean rooms.

  25. I just got finished watching an episode of Disappeared based on an 18 year old at the time he went missing... Very disturbing there's no recent news on his case. Praying for closure for him and his family :(

  26. Have you ever wondered if when a family member of the missing person passes away that they get to see or find out where their missin loved one is?

  27. Just watched the Bob Harrod case. Seems to me all signs leads to the cold hearted money hungry daughters. In all accounts

    1. I couldn't agree more! This is such a sweet story with such a sour ending.

  28. The suspect in the Zebb Quinn case was arrested for an unrelated murder http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2015/03/17/leicester-man-charged-two-counts-murder/24888031/

  29. John Glasgow's remains were found earlier this month at Petit Jean Mountain in Arkansas.

  30. It has just been released that the cause of death is undetermined. Since his body was skeletonized and there isn't marks to show trauma they may nerver know what happened. I feel he could have taken his own life, he fell and injured himself and died or his body was dumped there. Hopefully theyll be able to find out someway.

  31. Thanks to those who posted updates on what they know. It's nice to hear something of the after side of these cases. Prayers up for all those still missing.

  32. Michael fuksa has been found, his remains were found Sunday may 3 2015 by two hikers. He remaines revealed a single gun shot wound to his head, apparent suicide

  33. Yes, Michael Bradyn Fuksa was found by some friends of my daughter who were looking for a spot to put a hunting cabin on wolf mountain in Casper Wyo. So very sad for his family but thank goodness he will now be going home.

  34. An arrest was made in the Paige Birgfeld case back in November 2014:


  35. there are new episodes now, i would love to see the info here too

  36. Bradyn Fuksa's body was found.

    1. I was just here to post the same thing......... How sad for his family.

      I bet you those cops told him he would be facing up to a year in jail for the theft charge and he freaked out because he spent one night there and hated it.

      The guy had no criminal record, he most likely would have been let off with a fine and community service and maybe probation......... At the most.......

      That is awful he was so shaken up about the possibility of jail time (that he most likely would have never gotten, I don't know the law where he lives but most places don't lock up first time offenders who actually gave most of the money back anyway) that he took a handgun, found a secluded spot and committed suicide.

      R.I.P Bradyn and my condolences to the Fuksa family, I am so sorry for your loss.

    2. It was reported that his punishment was greatly exaggerated by police and I'm stunned that his employer even took it so far since he returned like 80-90% of the money the day he was caught. Even if his sentence likely would've been probation, I think he was more worried about being a convicted felon(over $1,000 is a felony) and the potential lifelong damage a felony can do. It's sad that he didn't confide in his parents cause I'm sure the DA would've knocked it down to a misdemeanor. They said he had never even had a traffic ticket before. I get the feeling your life is ruined but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I do think it was selfish of this young man to put his family through the hell of not knowing his fate by driving 800 miles from home and shooting himself with their gun at the bottom of a mountain. The unknown is worse than knowing he's dead. They can't grieve and try to heal if they don't know where he is or if he is dead or alive. He left them trapped on an emotional roller coaster for 6 years and had those hikers not found him, it could've been forever. If you're gonna commit suicide, don't make it worse for your family but doing it like this. I'm sure he didn't want his family or friends finding him but do it where someone will find you. RIP Bradyn. This was really a waste of a loved young man.

    3. I had not thought about the convicted felon for life angle, but that probably played a big part into it too. I don't want to scrutinize how he committed suicide but I do agree he could have made it easier on everybody if he did not do it in such a secluded place but when your mind is twisted up and you have active suicidal ideation you don't make the best choices and don't think of others when you are so scared of being in jail that you would rather kill yourself.

      The criminal justice system can be very scary and confusing for first time offenders like Bradyn, they don't know about plea agreements and may not even know about probation so in their mind they may just think "I'm going to jail and there is no way around that". Especially if the officers exaggerated what his punishment would be without knowing he had never been arrested before. Also a lot of first time offenders don't call lawyers that would help them understand the process and jail time they are facing (if any).

      I just hope his family is okay and I hope he is in a better place.

      Now regarding cops who exaggerate jail time and what not (especially to first time offenders) I will make a separate post about them............

  37. http://www.thv11.com/story/news/local/2015/03/17/more-skeletal-remains-clothing-id-found-belonging-to-john-glasgow/24928023/

    John Glasgow was found deceased as well.

  38. http://k2radio.com/skeletal-remains-identified/
    Bradyn Fuska was found dead in Casper, Wyoming in May 2015.

  39. The Maura Murray case has got to be one of the freakiest cases I have ever heard. There's only about a 5 minute window for her disappearance and of all the Disappeared cases, this one gives me the most creeps. It's like this girl just "poof" vanished into the snowy night. She couldn't have voluntarily wandered off in all that snow in the few minutes between the bus driver talking to her and going home half a mile away to call 911 and the 3 minutes it took the first cop to be on scene. Her scent vanished in the middle of the road like 2/10 of a mile from her car. Then nothing for over 10 years and nobody even knows why she was where she was.

    1. I agree her case along with a few others are just baffling, literally disappeared in the blink of an eye :'(

    2. I agree her case along with a few others are just baffling, literally disappeared in the blink of an eye :'(

    3. Could she have just absolutely lost it emotionally alone in the middle of nowhere and had a possible psychotic episode and just jumped into the river??? Someone in my family is a crazyyyyy good psychic and has told me things that no one but I knew about my personal life...he said that he thinks she may still be down in the water by the road...I told him that they already have looked there and he said, "well they need to look more..." he also said they were pretty close to finding her down there at one point...drives me crazyyyyyyyy this case. But remember she was having all kinds of strange and secretive emotional issues, 2 car accidents, that strange call where she was having a breakdown crying, the email to her prof. about withdrawing from school, family pushing her in med school, etc...oy!

  40. Morgan Harrington's killer has been found, and also the McStay family has been found deceased, killer identified. Agree with previous poster about Maura Murray...the phone call to her boyfriend with just whimpering in the early morning, and then no more contact...so scary.

  41. They also found the Jamison family's remains, killer unknown. Just an update.

  42. They really need to update some of these because that Michael Bradyn Fuksa he was like 22 when he went missing in montana but come to find out they found his body with self inflicted gun shot wound to the head! Like i said before they really need to update some of these! Usually if you put there names in the google search engine you can usually find out the updates that way.

    1. guess I should have read the last comment. gave up after like fifty. so I posted my own bradyn update. directly under yours. oh well.

    2. guess I should have read the last comment. gave up after like fifty. so I posted my own bradyn update. directly under yours. oh well.

    3. guess I should have read the last comment. gave up after like fifty. so I posted my own bradyn update. directly under yours. oh well.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. too much to read through all the comments. it does seem they have give/n up on updates at all. very sad. but I just now watched the episode on bradyn fuksa. did very little web dig/n to find out his remains were in fact discovered by Casper mountain in Kansas by some hikers this may(2015). cause of death, self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. again, very sad

  45. too much to read through all the comments. it does seem they have give/n up on updates at all. very sad. but I just now watched the episode on bradyn fuksa. did very little web dig/n to find out his remains were in fact discovered by Casper mountain in Kansas by some hikers this may(2015). cause of death, self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. again, very sad

  46. The Jamison Family. Mom Dad and lil girl were found dead . Look it up and update your lust.

    1. Oops LIST. not lust. Damn spell check changed it

  47. It makes me sad that while we all share a common interest in something (Disappeared) we are spending our time putting eachother down. I did not see a disclaimer upon entering this site stating ye who enter and or comment must be an ivy league educated English major. Comments being mean and trying to embarass others seems to largely miss the point. Support eachother, any one of us could end up starring in our own episode of Disappeared one day, heaven help us. :( Just sayin'...

    1. We don't all share a common interest. They're on the forum here to satisfy morbid interests and drain more energy out of the world, like vampires, would be accomplices and those with psychotic tendencies will also be drawn to these issues so be aware of that.

    2. We don't all share a common interest. They're on the forum here to satisfy morbid interests and drain more energy out of the world, like vampires, would be accomplices and those with psychotic tendencies will also be drawn to these issues so be aware of that.

  48. L7d44KTHwww.thv11.com/story/news/local/2015/04/10/cause-of-missing-businessman-john-glasgows-death-deemed-undetermined/25601549/

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I really appreciate all those who post updates about the cases.When you watch the episodes you just think it ended there but it actually didn't.. I really hope anyone who knows anything would inform us here.

  51. My heart goes out to Jarrod Duke Johnston's family. I hope they find some closure to their story.

    1. It's so sad! I just got done watching his episode and I have a son who was born the same year as Jarrod Johnston. I was really hoping to find out that he was found alive. Prayers to his loved ones. I hope they get some answers.

    2. It's so sad! I just got done watching his episode and I have a son who was born the same year as Jarrod Johnston. I was really hoping to find out that he was found alive. Prayers to his loved ones. I hope they get some answers.

    3. Jarrod Johnston is my reason for being here as well. As a mom of two grown sons the whys and hows of this case bother me almost as much as the fact that he remains missing. Hold your children/grandchildren close. They are more important than your damned pain pills!

    4. May 25, 2017 and just watched the Jarrod Johnston episode. Heart breaking at watching his family,get their hopes up just to be shattered once again. Praying he is found either deceased or alive and this family has some sort of closure.

  52. Victor Braun killed Danice Day this needs to be updated, he was sentenced 12 years for manslaughter

  53. Paige Birgfeld's murderer has also been arrested

  54. it was Lester Ralph Jones the creepy guy she always avoided

  55. I just found this site: after I watch Disappeared I always check Google to try and find updates- then I found what I thought would be an awesome site, until I read all of the ugly nasty comments. what is wrong with people today? no filter- just say whatever pops into your brain? too bad, because this site could be awesome

  56. I AGREE with the comments above, by the previous offer, it's really sad to come to the site of such sadness and see people being such animals themselves! This is supposed to be a place Of Hope not hate. Hopefully some people out there like me they come here to see what's happened to these people or to get an idea of what happened to them in order to be able to help if that ever happens. Not to sit here and fight and swear with others, how immature and selfish of you. Really sad when you think about society, and how humankind really is human hate. Thankfully I still believe there's more good in the world than evil, and that there are people out there trying to do the right thing. I hope that these people are either one day united with their families or, the families have some closure at least finding evidence of them.

  57. Bradyn Fuksa: On May 8, 2015, the Natrona County (Wyoming) coroner announced that they identified human skeletal remains as those of Michael Bradyn Fuksa. He appears to have died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

  58. Don't know if anyone posted this already, but I knew I recognized Paul Constantinescu when I saw the episode on Satara Stratton. A few years earlier, he had been busted by Chris Hansen and Perverted Justice on NBC Dateline's To Catch a Predator for attempting to meet up for a sexual encounter with a child. I'm SO glad that Satara was found alive; however, it all could have been avoided had she did a little research on who she was dealing with when she met Constantinescu (if he gave her his real name, that is). What a creeper. He deserves to die a slow, painful death.

  59. Bob Wykel's still missing but a man has been charged and convicted of his murder


  60. Mike Wynn convicted of Bob Wykel murder

  61. Bradyn Fuska was found, apparent suicide. You guys need to update your site.

  62. This is all just so sad I hope you all are found someday :'(

  63. They found
    Bradyn Fuksa dead he committed sucide they think

  64. This need a to be updated. Bradyn Fuska has been found deceased ( self inflicted gunshot wound to head) in 2014. The Mcstay's murderer was charged. And a few other cases need to be updated.

  65. Brittanee Drexel update


  66. Just a quick fyi- Lester Ralph Jones had been charged with Paige Birgfield's murder. The jury is currently deliberating. The case was mentioned on the September 9, 2016 broadcast of Good Morning America. Her story was also featured on the September 8,2016 episode of "20-20".

    Not sure if this blog is still active but I thought I'd let the author know

  67. Just a quick fyi- Lester Ralph Jones had been charged with Paige Birgfield's murder. The jury is currently deliberating. The case was mentioned on the September 9, 2016 broadcast of Good Morning America. Her story was also featured on the September 8,2016 episode of "20-20".

    Not sure if this blog is still active but I thought I'd let the author know

  68. Thanks for main Blog. After knowing the missing persons, it is really painful to let go the things just like that. your blog given information about some people found & some deceased too. Its bit relief.

    I feel Id channel should show that episode again with addition of new findings on the missing person.

  69. Great webpage, exactly what I have been looking for! keep it up :)

  70. Why does it seem there's nothing from the family or anyone for that matter looking for Jarrod Johnston after 2010 the facebook page the twitter page all of it has nothing after 2010. Why wouldnt they still be wanting info from the public? It makes me wonder if they found out something.

    1. who knows? It's very frustrating, cant find anything about him online, not even rumors of where he could be. I don't understand how (especially in this case) no one knows where he is. He was far away from his residence and nothing has come up. No reports of him or his belongings. His father put out the SN on his guitar. I don't think there has been any positive identification of deceased john doe's, so there is a good chance he could still be out there. I just wish the media would cover it. I have a strong feeling that if they did, something could come up and someone could give them a good tip on where he is, or what happened to him. someone has to know something. I think if he died of natural causes or if he had passed someone would've seen the body. Just my 2 cents. Still very frustrating and its been almost ten years. Media should cover it for a ten year, and maybe they'll get new info. I'm seriously hoping so

  71. Why does it seem there's nothing from the family or anyone for that matter looking for Jarrod Johnston after 2010 the facebook page the twitter page all of it has nothing after 2010. Why wouldnt they still be wanting info from the public? It makes me wonder if they found out something.

  72. Brittanee Drexel was gang-raped, killed and thrown to the alligators according to the FBI. Very sickening:(

  73. John Glasgow was found in 2015. Not many details but cops believe he was murdered

  74. Im also very puzzled about the jarrod case sad no one ever took it seriously. I read his dad passed away in 2015 :-(

    1. Right.....
      I cant tell you how many times I've googled his name to see some sort of update. NOTHING. I wonder if any searches have been conducted, any private investigators have been hired, anything! His guitar and belongings have the serial numbers, has there been any information? Any press coverage? I feel like this case could've been better off if people had taken it more seriously. It's been almost ten years and now, unfortunately still no closure for the family. Let's pray someone, one day either comes forward or says something about his disappearance. Since he was such a smart kid, theres a good chance he could still be out there

    2. I am so sorry his dad died. He seemed the only one who genuinely cared about Jarrod for love's sake. The rest seemed more about self-pity or what Jarrod did for them. I can't really blame him for staying away now. He seemed so tragically misunderstood/pigeonholed. I hope he has found a far better place.

    3. I am so sorry his dad died. He seemed the only one who genuinely cared about Jarrod for love's sake. The rest seemed more about self-pity or what Jarrod did for them. I can't really blame him for staying away now. He seemed so tragically misunderstood/pigeonholed. I hope he has found a far better place.

    4. Right... I wonder if they did any searches in the wooded areas or anything like that. He was in a really rural area.....they kept showing trains too maybe it's suggested he hopped on a train? And the fact that his gf didn't hear from him.... kinda off. Idk I think there is def something off about this case. If you watch the episode more than once, it just doesn't sit right.

  75. I hope you're still keeping up this page. That's the one disappointing thing about the show "Disappeared"; they don't show update shows (or at least none that I've seen). I was especially surprised by Royal Daniels. I've been binging on Disappeared again, & it's funny how your view changes the older you get. I think my compassion metre is much higher than it used to be. I so hope that Lee Calvert's family gets answers.

  76. I just watched disappeared,about the Jarrod Johnston case. Wonder if there is any updates on that?? Very strange how people just up and, well, "disappear" into thin air. No trace of them ever seen again. I feel so bad for these families and their loved ones. Noone should ever have to wonder where their loved one is and if their alive or dead. I couldn't imagine

  77. I just watched disappeared,about the Jarrod Johnston case. Wonder if there is any updates on that?? Very strange how people just up and, well, "disappear" into thin air. No trace of them ever seen again. I feel so bad for these families and their loved ones. Noone should ever have to wonder where their loved one is and if their alive or dead. I couldn't imagine

    1. Nope! I can't tell you how many times I've googled if anything new has come up. At least once a week. It's so sad. He reminds me of my brother who passed away.:( I'm really hoping there's closure here or he's brought home. Someone HAS to know something.... just the gf not knowing and the boy's mother who saw him last. And the so called sighting at the mall? What about the fact that he was going to purchase a ring at the jewelry store? Who was this woman he was going to marry and how did he get this credit card? I understand Jarrod needed time on his own and run out, but if he's miles away from his family, why not try and call his friends or something to know he's safe. Especially since the people he was staying with dropped him off. Also the fact that when they went to town, there was no information on his case? I hope there will be new information soon.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. I see that IMDB says Satara Stratton (silver) died Feb 4, 2017. It doesn't give any details. Satara's Facebook page confirms that this is true. No details given.. what a shame!

    1. Sadly, it was a heroin overdose, which she's had a long battle with.

  81. Roxanne Paltauf is obvious to me that this 17 yr old was killed by her 38 year old convicted felon of a bf that had spent time in prison. Jesus have some accountability for your teenage daughters actions and don't let her spent the night in a known drug and prostitute infested part of town. I mean I feel awful for her little sisters but her mom is very much at fault as well for allowing her to live like she wss and living under a parent's roof. I'm sorry but my 17 yr old daughter isn't dating a 38 yr old black guy who looks like he's a bad guy and the family even said they rubbed him the wrong way.

  82. The lies people are saying on this forum are extremely hurtful to those of us who are searching for our family members. Why are such things posted by people who simply don't know the person they are accusing or putting down? Doesn't help the families or those that are still hurting.

  83. I wish there were more updates.. sending well wishes to grieving family members and friends.. hoping for resolution for them and prayers for the missing.

  84. I just watched the disappearance of Zoe Campos.. does anyone have any kind of update? I didn't even see her name on the list?

  85. I rely like this show becouse it teaches you who too watch out for. I told my young Neese not too trust these young Guys she's talking too I worn her. They could be Sex Offenders on the other end. She didn't hear what I was saying I told her Mother but her own Mother never hears eather he own Father knows if she ever dose this he takes her thing away .

  86. How do I unsubscribe from this list. I have tried five different times

  87. I didn't see Katelin Akens on the list either. Any update?

  88. Any word on Robert Hoagland?

  89. Any word on Robert Hoagland?

  90. I don't think anyone is updating this blog as many of the links do not work. I too wish Discovery ID/Disappeared updated their reruns with latest information or have a new show Disappeared Epilogue or Disappeared/Found. Something, anything as the viewers are so touched by the stories and sad for the families.

  91. Please reestablish this listing site. It would be nice to have one place to come check on the cases shown. I did see the person who ran this site say at one point on reddit or websleuths or one of those sites that they would update and continue it, but never saw if it got done or not. I hope they do as I carry these cases with me as I am sure others of you do as well. Updates would be encouraging at least.

  92. This can't be accurate cuz in the paige Dixon case Lester Jones was charged and found guilty but yet it still says killer unknown

  93. I still am so curious about Zebb Quinn. He was such a nice kid it seemed and had a good head on him...I think he may have gotten mixed up with some of the wrong ppl...maybe that girl he was talking to or her bf...also remember there was his car found in a paring lot with a puppy inside and with lipstick kisses all over the back windshield...so odd! I mean, obviously a lot of these ppl are now deceased but how they died and who did it are fascinating to me....

  94. PS Awesome site!!!! This show is def. my obsession for sure

  95. Tara grinstead was killed. Two men in 2017 that went to the school she thought were found guilty of her murder. One man last name duke killed her and the other his last name was dukes with an S on the end no relation to each other he helped duke dispose of the body. They must of Been under eighteen when they did this because they were high school students. I don't think they ever told the family where her body was. So this list is not updated for the people that were wondering. At least not lately

    1. There's an entirenpodcast dedicated to the disappearance of Tara Grinstead called "Up and Vanished" and it was not known until Feb 2017 that two young men were arrested in her disappearance and apparent murder though to date neither have been convicted of anything.
